Urban?  Multicultural?  Social justice?  Global?

All these topics and more are the content for one impressive conference coming this spring to the Chicago area, Mission On Our Doorsteps, April 18 – 20.

It looks like a dream tag-team squaring off against the forces of evil.  Really.

Will it be as good as it’s promotion?

I want to go and see something happen that will help Chicago become less racially-divided as a city.  Including our churches.

And from the description it looks as good an event can be for Salvation Army work in our cities, especially for our Chicago corps and ministries.mission on our doorsteps

What first caught my attention was Ray Bakke, one of several featured presenters.  Many of us consider Bakke the dean of urban ministry.  Also, a number of speakers and practitioners familiar to us Salvation Army people.  CCDA.  Brenda Salter McNeil.  Matthew Soerens.  Elyse (Dalberg) Dobney will be part of a presentation on human trafficking.

Salvation Army officers and corps which share a building with one or more congregations (Chicago Irving Park, Chicago Temple, Aurora IL, etc):  check out Under One Roof which will present on “building healthy partnerships between congregations of different ethnicity who share worship space”.

Chicago Mayfair Community Church (Salvation Army), Latino corps/congregations, and others:  check out Generational Issues Among Immigrant Churches.  Generation 2.0, etc.

What nags me about the conference is that it will be hosted at Wheaton Bible Church out in pleasant suburban West Chicago.  Why not in Chicago?  Englewood or West Pullman?

Because there aren’t any Hampton Inns, Marriotts, etc.  Irony.